AirMighty Valve Cover Race & Rules
Build your valve cover race car at home and race your valve cover car on our custom race track.
What style do you go for, a Cal-Look, Patina, Restolook, completely original Old Speed valve cover, or one in fully custom paint? Be creative and not only the fastest but also the most original valve cover race car will go home with a small prize. Any style is welcome, but there are rules (see below!).
Open to all ages. It doesn't matter who you race, as at three losses and you are out, the fastest two valve covers run a final and the fastest racer wins! The AirMighty Valve Cover Racetrack will be open all weekend, but on Saturday and Sunday at 13.00 o'clock we will start the official race!
See you there and show us what you are building!
AirMighty VW valve cover race: build it, modify it, weigh it, show up and race it!!!
Rules are as follows
- Cars will be built using an actual valve cover from an aircooled VW engine.
- No engines or any form of propulsion except gravity.
- No moving weights/counter weights.
- Wheels can be attached to the car in any manner, but must not extend beyond the front or rear of the valve cover.
- Cars will have at least four wheels, each no more than 8cm in diameter.
- Wheel must have a non-metallic surface contacting the track.
- 20cm maximum overall width.
- 30cm maximum overall length.
- Nothing can extend beyond the front of the valve cover.
- 25cm maximum overall height.
- 3,5 kilogram maximum weight.
Rules of the track and race are as follows
- The judge's decision is final.
- Valve covers will be clean (no sludge or oil). If the racer drips oil or grease, it is disqualified!
- Each racer will have a name to be used to identify it during races.
- The track will consist of two lanes with each lane being 27,5cm wide.
- The course starts at 1 metre height, then slopes down for 6 metres and has a run-out of 130cm to the finish line.
- If a racer (person) interferes with another car, it (they) automatically lose that round.
- If a racer is hampered by a track issue, it will get another run.
- If there is a tech issue, the judge's decision is final.
Your valve cover or “racer” is created by adding a chassis, wheels and weights to your aircooled VW engine valve-cover. Racers can be engineered in any way you want, so long as they follow the official rules (see above), and can take on any personality or character you see fit. From lights to radios, adding pilots in, slap on custom paint and everything in between! Be creative!
Example pictures as found on the web.